Benefits of an Outdoor Kitchen
The promise of a new year often evokes thoughts of lifestyle improvements. Getting outside more, unplugging, enjoying time alone or hosting family and friends can certainly warrant expanding the living space.
Here’s a look at 5 benefits of an outdoor kitchen:
1. Increases the value of the home
Homes with outdoor kitchens sell for nearly 30 percent more than expected. These outdoor features, amenities and design styles made the largest impact on sale price.
2. Great for Entertaining
Outdoor entertainment spaces continue to top the list for both boomers and millennials.
Boomers are famous for their grill nights, while millennials love their outdoor yard games. And both generations enjoy prepping, cooking and eating their meals at home, alfresco-style, capturing the luxury of open-air dining.
Depending on the design layout such as an island configuration, guests can gather around the kitchen, socialize and watch the chef perform culinary magic.
3. Expands the Living Space
Outdoor kitchen designs often mirror their indoor counterparts, successfully transitioning the indoors to the outdoors and making use of previously unused outdoor space or repurposing it. Many people stop at a grill or barbeque island, but an outdoor kitchen can be expanded to include other cooking appliances such as a pizza oven, flat-top grill and a smoker. Enhancing the outdoor kitchen layout with cabinets that accommodate kitchen appliances, hide trash, provide storage helps centralize culinary activity.
4. Makes Cooking Easier
Too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the broth. Maybe, not. An outdoor kitchen allows for more cooks – or helping hands at the very least – to help with prepping food, mixing drinks, grilling and cleaning up. Depending on the layout of the outdoor kitchen, more bodies in an outdoor kitchen aren’t necessarily a bad thing as it can be less crowded than an indoor kitchen. Additionally, by placing a refrigerator, ice machine or wine cooler on the end of a cabinet run, guests are invited to help themselves without disrupting the chef’s work flow.
5. Convenience
As mentioned above, smelly foods can linger in indoor kitchens for days. Cooking errors can create rising smoke that travels throughout the entire house and sets off the detector. Cooking outdoors eliminates these issues resulting in more convenient cooking and a better household environment.
A hot kitchen in the summer months forces the air conditioning to work harder and can crank up utility bills usage. Give the utilities a rest and head outside!
Additionally, with a well-equipped outdoor kitchen, the prepping, cooking, cleaning, eating the meal, drinking and overall outdoor entertaining is centralized along with having the necessary items available to make it all happen. No need for transporting and setting up making it more of a chore to accommodate a stand- alone grill. Think of it as a permanent, pop-up party.
Finally, the design and layout of an outdoor kitchen comes with an air of creativity only achieved when custom building an indoor kitchen as part of constructing or renovating a home. Whether installing an outdoor kitchen on a deck, patio or roof, there are still less obstacles and considerations to work around as compared to indoors.
Fuente: BrownJordanOutdoorKitchens
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