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Benefits of an Outdoor Kitchen

The promise of a new year often evokes thoughts of lifestyle improvements. Getting outside more, unplugging, enjoying time alone or hosting family and friends can certainly warrant expanding the living space. Here’s a look at 5 benefits of an outdoor...

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How Often Should You Paint Your House? 

Painting your home can be inconvenient and time consuming, but it’s easier than it seems. It’s a good investment that extends the integrity and good looks of what, for most people, is their single greatest asset. Paint is your house’s first defense...

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Three Plumbing Tips That Can Save You Money

The dream of owning your own home can be a nightmare if you find yourself with plumbing problems that you cannot take care of yourself. In this instance, you do have to consult a plumber and have them come out and look at the plumbing and offer you...

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3 Roof Remodeling Tips

When it comes to being a homeowner, you sometimes have to renovate and upgrade your live space.  Whether there are repairs to be made or you are putting you are getting ready to sell, you need to put some time and effort into renovating your home. ...

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